Kimberley, BC (September 17, 2024) - Today, Kimberley & District Community Foundation (KDCF) is pleased to announce $135,000 in funding to support four projects in Kimberley and the surrounding area through the Government of British Columbia’s Community Prosperity Fund (CPF). The CPF is a $25 million investment from the Government of B.C. that advances poverty reduction and social inclusion. The fund was announced on the inaugural B.C. Nonprofit Recognition Day. This fund is part of the Government of B.C.’s commitment to supporting the non-profit sector and empowering local communities to make decisions about what would most benefit them and their communities.
Via KDCF, the Community Prosperity Fund is investing in the following organizations and projects:
Kimberley Helping Hands Food Bank Society: $36,000 will aid in funding a coordinator position to manage volunteer engagement and enhance client support services. This position will be shared with the Kimberley Food Recovery Depot, as they strengthen mutual organization capacity and optimize food distribution efforts in the community.
Kimberley Wellness Foundation: $50,700 The Kimberley Wellness Foundation will be allocating these funds for the Food Recovery Depot to expand food storage capacity, enhance senior's programming to meeting growing community needs and to support wages for a shared Volunteer Coordinator with the Kimberley Food Bank.
Kimberley Community Church: $25,000 has been allocated to focus on bringing free supportive services to the community for any individual experiencing addictions and mental health challenges. Their focus is based on supporting individuals on a recovery journey to overall health and wellbeing.
Kimberley Health Care Auxiliary: $23,300 will be used by the Auxiliary for structural upgrades to the Kimberley Thrift Shop protecting volunteer safety while fostering inclusivity and enhanced volunteer and customer experiences.
Through the Community Prosperity Fund (CPF), funded recipients have an opportunity to implement the funding over up to three years and support operational expenses or project delivery. The CPF supports vital non-profits that serve communities in B.C. Recipients funded are important partners, often providing services to those made vulnerable in all corners of British Columbia.
“Over the past few years, British Columbians continue to showcase resilience, innovation, and tenacity as they face new challenges. Community service groups across the province are playing a pivotal role in supporting communities,” said Parliamentary Secretary for Community Development and Non-profits Megan Dykeman. “Myself and Premier David Eby are elated to announce $60 million in funding to not-for-profits, and we thank local community foundations who have supported in the funding’s distribution.”
To learn more about the CPF, visit the Vancouver Foundation website at www.vancouverfoundation.ca
For more information on KDCF, visit our website at www.kimberleyfoundation.ca or contact us at by email at grants@kimberleyfoundation.ca
